What is RDBMS? Explore Types, Comparisons & Key Factors!

Updated December 15th, 2023
What is rdbms

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The global Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.38%, reaching a projected market size of USD 118,400 Million by 2027.

A relational database management system is a foundational system for managing databases based on the relational model. By organizing data into structured tables with rows and columns, it facilitates efficient data storage, retrieval, and modification.

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In this article, we will understand:

  1. What is RDBMS?
  2. It’s 6 types
  3. Differences between RDBMS and DBMS
  4. 11 Factors that you must consider when choosing a RDBMS

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Table of contents #

  1. What is RDBMS?
  2. Types of relational database management system
  3. Relational database management system vs database management system: A comparative analysis
  4. Relational database management system: 11 Key factors to consider
  5. Future of relational database management system
  6. Summary
  7. Related reads

What is RDBMS? #

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. At its core, a relational database management system is a database management system that organizes data into structured tables. These tables are related to each other based on predefined rules to ensure data integrity.

A relational database management system supports the relational model, which means the data and relationships are represented using tables. It also uses a structured querying language (SQL) for querying and maintaining the database.

Types of relational database management system #

Relational database management system platforms have seen significant evolution over the years, with various systems catering to different needs and scales.

Here are some of the most popular types of relational database management systems:

  1. Oracle database
  2. MySQL
  3. Microsoft SQL server
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. SQLite
  6. MariaDB

Let us understand each type of relational database management system in detail:

1. Oracle database #

Pros: Oracle database is revered for its robustness, high performance, and advanced features like Real Application Clusters (RAC) for fault tolerance and scalability.

With a comprehensive suite of tools and widespread industry adoption, it’s a favorite for mission-critical applications in large enterprises.

Additionally, Oracle offers deep integration capabilities with cloud platforms, facilitating hybrid and cloud-native architectures. Its security features, like advanced encryption and data masking, further ensure that sensitive information remains protected, making it a top choice for sectors requiring stringent data protection.

Cons: While it’s powerful, it might not offer the same performance levels for specific tasks as some commercial databases. Some users also find its learning curve slightly steeper.

Additionally, transitioning from other systems to Oracle can be resource-intensive, and the company’s support structure may sometimes be viewed as bureaucratic, leading to slower resolution of minor issues.

2. MySQL #

Pros: Being open-source, MySQL offers cost advantages, especially for startups and SMEs. Its reputation for speed, reliability, and a large supportive community make it a go-to for many web-based applications.

Additionally, its widespread adoption has led to a plethora of tools and integrations, simplifying database management tasks. Furthermore, its modular architecture allows for customizable configurations, catering to varied performance needs.

Cons: Some advanced features available in other commercial databases might be lacking in MySQL. Post-acquisition by Oracle, concerns regarding its open-source future have arisen. Additionally, in high-demand scenarios, MySQL might exhibit performance bottlenecks.

Furthermore, its default configuration may not always offer the security levels required for critical enterprise applications.

3. Microsoft SQL server #

Pros: SQL server offers excellent integration with other Microsoft products, making it a natural choice for businesses invested in the Microsoft ecosystem. It’s known for its ease of use, strong security features, and comprehensive toolset.

Additionally, its cloud integration with Azure makes scalability and data recovery more seamless. Its business intelligence capabilities, integrating tools like Power BI and SSRS, ensure dynamic reporting and analytics for businesses.

Cons: Licensing costs can be on the higher side. It’s historically bound to the Windows platform, though recent versions offer Linux support.

Furthermore, there’s a potential learning curve for those unfamiliar with the Microsoft ecosystem. The system might also require periodic tuning and optimization to handle very large datasets efficiently.

4. PostgreSQL #

Pros: PostgreSQL is lauded for its extensibility, supporting both relational and non-relational data models. It offers a robust set of features, and being open-source, it attracts a diverse developer community.

Furthermore, its advanced data types and indexing capabilities make it highly adaptable to a variety of tasks. Built-in partitioning and its commitment to SQL standards ensure a versatile and consistent environment for developers.

Cons: While PostgreSQL is powerful, it might not offer the same performance levels for specific tasks as some commercial databases. Some users also find its learning curve slightly steeper. Additionally, in high-transaction environments, PostgreSQL may require tuning for optimal performance.

Its community-driven development, though robust, might not always provide enterprise-level support that larger organizations look for.

5. SQLite #

Pros: SQLite’s serverless and lightweight nature makes it perfect for mobile applications and embedded systems. Its simplicity and the fact that it’s self-contained (with no separate server process) can be advantageous for specific use cases.

Moreover, its zero-configuration setup means that it’s essentially plug-and-play, eliminating complex initialization procedures.

Also, given its wide adoption, there’s a rich trove of documentation and community support available, making problem-solving more straightforward for developers.

Cons: It’s not designed for high-concurrency applications or large-scale systems. Being file-based, there are limitations in terms of scalability.

SQLite lacks certain features found in larger relational database management system, such as stored procedures or user-defined functions.

Also, while it’s excellent for local storage, it’s not ideal for networked applications or client-server models due to potential latency.

6. MariaDB #

Pros: MariaDB, a fork from MySQL, offers features like the Aria storage engine and better query optimization. Being open-source, it enjoys community-driven enhancements and is perceived as more “open” than MySQL post the oracle acquisition.

Furthermore, its continuous development promises regular updates and improvements. The transparent and collaborative nature of its development ensures that user needs and concerns are addressed promptly.

Cons: Migration from MySQL to MariaDB can sometimes present challenges. While it aims to maintain drop-in replacement compatibility with MySQL, there are some differences which might affect specific applications.

In the context of these modern systems, it’s worth noting the trend of integrating traditional relational database management system capabilities with features such as in-memory processing, cloud-native architectures, and compatibility with NoSQL.

The rise of cloud relational database management system solutions is also evident, offering scalability, reduced operational overhead, and enhanced reliability.

Relational database management system vs database management system: A comparative analysis #

Below is a tabulated comparison of RDBMS (Relational database management system) and DBMS (Database management system):

Data structureData is stored in tables with relationships between them.Data might be stored in files without strict relations.
Data integrityProvides more data integrity using primary and foreign keys.Lesser mechanisms for maintaining data integrity.
Data relationshipsSupports multiple types of data relationships (e.g., one-to-one, one-to-many).Typically lacks relationship constraints.
ScalabilityGenerally more scalable and can manage large datasets.Suited for smaller applications with less complex data.
Query languagePrimarily uses SQL (Structured Query Language).May not support SQL; uses proprietary querying methods.
ComplexityMore complex due to relational constraints.Simpler as there are no relational constraints.
Data redundancyLower data redundancy due to normalization processes.Potential for higher data redundancy.
Concurrency controlAdvanced mechanisms for handling multiple concurrent users.Basic or no concurrency control mechanisms.
FlexibilityStrict schema structure makes alterations a bit tedious.More flexible due to lack of relational constraints.
Use caseSuitable for applications needing structured data relations like banking, ERP systems, etc.Best for simpler applications, where data relations are minimal or not required.

Remember, while a relational database management system is a subset of a database management system focused on relational data models, the term database management system can be broader, encompassing other database systems that might not use the relational model.

Relational database management system: 11 Key factors to consider #

When considering or working with a relational database, several key factors should be kept in mind to ensure optimal performance, security, and usability.

Here are some of the primary factors:

  1. Schema design
  2. Performance metrics
  3. Scalability
  4. Concurrency management
  5. Security protocols
  6. Backup and disaster recovery
  7. Integration capabilities
  8. Operational costs
  9. Data integrity checks
  10. Flexibility in schema evolution
  11. Documentation and support

Let us understand each key factor in detail.

1. Schema design #

The architecture of your database is pivotal. A well-structured schema enhances storage, retrieval, and update operations.

Employing normalization can curtail data redundancy and bolster data integrity, making your data more reliable and your system more efficient.

Moreover, an adaptable schema design can facilitate smoother transitions when adapting to changing business requirements, ensuring longevity and relevance in a dynamic environment.

2. Performance metrics #

Your database should be adept at managing tasks swiftly. This includes efficient query processing, appropriate indexing, and an underlying hardware setup equipped to handle expected loads.

Regular monitoring and performance tuning should also be instituted to ensure sustained peak performance over time.

3. Scalability #

Future-proof your database. Whether it’s an influx of data, an increase in users, or a surge in transactions, your system should be prepared to scale without hiccups.

Additionally, consider cloud solutions or distributed architectures that can offer dynamic scalability, adapting to demands in real-time.

4. Concurrency management #

In a world where real-time access is crucial, managing simultaneous database operations becomes paramount. Effective mechanisms like locking and transaction management can prevent conflicts and data inconsistencies.

Moreover, ensuring optimal concurrency control promotes a smoother user experience, minimizing disruptions and maximizing database responsiveness.

5. Security protocols #

A fortified database is a trusted database. Implement robust access controls, utilize encryption (both during data transit and while it’s stored), and keep the system patched against potential vulnerabilities.

Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments further ensure that the database remains impervious to breaches and exploits.

6. Backup and disaster recovery #

Always have a plan B. Regular data backups, coupled with efficient recovery strategies, can be your savior during unexpected failures.

Furthermore, periodic testing of backup integrity and recovery drills ensures you’re truly prepared when disaster strikes.

7. Integration capabilities #

A relational database doesn’t operate in isolation. It should seamlessly mesh with other tools, systems, or technologies pivotal to your operations.

Furthermore, having compatibility with modern APIs and data interchange formats ensures smoother data flow and minimizes integration hitches.

8. Operational costs #

Beyond the initial investment, factor in ongoing expenses. This might include licensing fees for commercial options, maintenance costs, or even expenses related to training and support.

Additionally, consider potential costs arising from unplanned downtimes or necessary system upgrades to meet evolving business needs.

9. Data integrity checks #

Ensure your data remains pristine. By imposing data validation and integrity constraints, such as primary and foreign keys, the database maintains its quality and reliability.

Regular audits and data validation routines further fortify the trustworthiness of the stored information.

10. Flexibility in schema evolution #

The only constant is change. Your relational database should permit schema alterations without colossal overheads, ensuring your system remains agile to evolving requirements.

Moreover, having tools or features that streamline schema migration can significantly reduce downtime and facilitate smoother transitions.

11. Documentation & support #

For both commercial and open-source relational database management system , access to comprehensive documentation and a supportive community.

Moreover, consistent updates and a responsive helpdesk can further streamline the user experience, minimizing potential downtimes and maximizing productivity.

In the realm of relational databases, making informed decisions based on these factors ensures you’re set on a path of seamless operations, robust performance, and airtight security.

Future of relational database management system #

The future of relational database management systems is influenced by a blend of new technological demands and evolving business needs. Here are some insights into where the relational database management system is headed:

  1. Hybrid systems
  2. Cloud-native databases
  3. AI and machine learning integration
  4. In-memory processing
  5. Enhanced security features
  6. Graph database integration
  7. Automated management
  8. Serverless architectures
  9. Multi-model databases
  10. Interoperability and open standards
  11. Edge computing

Let us dive into the insights of the future of relational database management systems in detail:

1. Hybrid systems #

The boundaries between relational database management systems and NoSQL are blurring. Modern relational database management systems are integrating features from NoSQL databases, allowing them to handle structured and semi-structured data efficiently.

For instance, PostgreSQL and MySQL now support JSON data types and related functions.

2. Cloud-native databases #

As businesses migrate to the cloud, relational database management system providers are offering cloud-native solutions, like Amazon Aurora or Azure SQL Database, which offer scalability, resilience, and performance benefits inherent to cloud architectures.

These databases are also designed for optimal integration with cloud services, simplifying data operations and storage management in a distributed environment.

3. AI and machine learning integration #

Relational database management systems are incorporating AI and ML for predictive analytics, automated database tuning, and anomaly detection.

This fusion of AI with a relational database management system paves the way for smarter, self-healing databases that anticipate user needs and optimize performance autonomously.

4. In-memory processing #

The success of in-memory databases like SAP HANA underscores the move towards real-time analytics.

By storing data in RAM instead of disk, these databases offer incredibly fast query performances, enabling businesses to make swift, data-driven decisions with unparalleled efficiency.

5. Enhanced security features #

As cyber threats evolve, relational database management systems will focus on advanced security features, from data encryption, masking, and redaction. This ensures businesses can trust their data infrastructure even in an increasingly hostile digital landscape.

6. Graph database integration #

Recognizing the value of graph databases in managing and querying highly interconnected data, some relational database management systems are integrating graph capabilities.

This integration enhances the depth of relational queries, making it easier to uncover intricate relationships and patterns within data sets.

7. Automated management #

The future of relational database management system will include more automated management features, reducing the administrative overhead.

This involves automated backups, updates, tuning, and scaling. Such advancements will lead to enhanced efficiency and allow database administrators to focus on strategic tasks and innovation.

8. Serverless architectures #

Databases like Aurora Serverless from AWS allow on-demand automatic scaling, where you only pay for what you use, pointing to a future where databases can be more cost-efficient and scalable.

This shift towards serverless further simplifies database management, letting developers focus on code rather than infrastructure nuances.

9. Multi-model databases #

Relational database management systems are increasingly supporting multiple data models, meaning they can handle document, key-value, and graph formats alongside relational data.

This versatility ensures that enterprises can address diverse data storage and processing needs within a single unified system.

10. Interoperability and open standards #

As businesses use a diverse range of technologies, there will be an increasing need for relational database management systems to adhere to open standards and ensure interoperability with other systems and platforms.

Embracing these standards can significantly streamline data exchanges and foster a more cohesive technological ecosystem.

11. Edge computing #

With the exponential growth of IoT devices, there’s a discernible shift towards edge computing, allowing for prompt data processing closer to its source. This shift promises reduced latency and enhanced efficiency, prompting relational database management systems to adapt and serve this emerging decentralized paradigm.

In conclusion, while the core principles of relational database management systems remain strong and relevant, the future will see them adapt, integrate, and expand their capabilities to cater to the multifaceted demands of modern applications and business needs.

Summary #

Relational database management system stands as a cornerstone in the world of data management. Rooted in the foundational principles of the relational model, it provides a structured and efficient method to store, organize, and retrieve data using tables.

In an era marked by vast data growth and varied data needs, the significance of relational database management systems cannot be overstated. Its inherent capability to establish relationships between data points ensures data integrity, data consistency, and security.

While the digital landscape continually evolves with newer database systems and technologies, the role of relational database management systems remains pivotal. As we advance, the adaptability and robustness of relational database management systems will continue to underscore their relevance in myriad applications, from business enterprises to everyday digital solutions.

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