Supercharged Automation to Map Your Data Estate
07 Dec
01:00 PM ET
Varun Banka
Co-Founder, Atlan
Elevate your data team with magical automations
Watch the recording to learn how newly launched automations can help you spend more time on meaningful projects, and less time writing descriptions and classifying data.

Learn how your team can level up with:
Atlan’s Playbooks
Customize automations to bulk create tags, attach owners, propagate column descriptions, attach classifications and more
Atlan’s Trident Suggestions
Get magical suggestions for metadata like column descriptions, owners, and classifications by leveraging patterns from your data estate
Atlan’s Deep Query Mining
Automatically identify your most used assets, most popular queries, and top users by parsing SQL query history
Atlan’s Open APIs
Programmatically update and leverage metadata by integrating into CI/CD pipelines, orchestration tools, ingestions tools, and more
Watch Recording Now
Supercharge your team with Atlan’s automations