Atlan Roadshow: Bringing Data Conversations to You
Join Atlan and our partners at one of our regional events this fall to connect with local data leaders in your community. Enjoy an evening of drinks, dinner, and data conversations on the latest trends, technologies, and processes shaping the future of data and AI.

Nov 04
TBA, Chicago
Data Cloud World Tour Dinner w/ Atrium & Snowflake

Nov 07
Topgolf, Los Angeles
Data + AI World Tour Dinner w/ Fivetran & Soda

Wally’s, Las Vegas
Data Uncorked at Wally's w/ metaplane, Atlan, Brooklyn Data, hightouch, lightdash, HEX

RedTail Lounge, Las Vegas
Data Shuffle Cocktail Reception w/ Sigma, Monte Carlo, Dremio, Airbyte, Census, and euno

Red Hawk Golf, Denver
Data Par-tee w/ Sigma, Snowflake, Fivetran and dbt

Cantaloup, Sau Paulo
Data Leaders Dinner w/ Indicium

Chez Zou, New York
Data + AI World Tour Reception w/ Fivetran & Trace3

Brass Ram, Dallas
Evening Dinner w/ Hakkoda & Fivetran

Superica, Atlanta